Rough Country Ranch And Performance
The mission of HighLine Breeders is rooted in the rich history of the American Quarter Horse Association (AQHA). We work to provide the best of the Rough Country Ranch Horse and the Competition Performance Horse.
In the early days of the AQHA, a well-documented rift in the membership appeared immediately between the "Bulldog" men – those who focused on conformation and type, and liked “chunky” horses like Wimpy (The first Quarter Horse with AQHA Registration #1), versus the racing breeders who placed emphasis on performance horses like Clabber (The first AQHA World Champion racing horse), with roots in Thoroughbreds like Three Bars. The very beginnings of the breed obviously included diversity in horse types, as well as diverging opinions from the breeders involved. But for many, the “magic” of the Quarter Horse was in the mix.
The world today continues to move towards the specialist regardless of the topic, and the horse industry remains no exception. Each year a new royalty is crowned in the kingdoms of reining, reined cow horse, cutting, racing, etc. Soon thereafter the industry band wagons begin to roll as many individuals sing the praises of their favorite horse champions. Pedigree is premier in this world, and performance horse is the catch-phrase of everything desirable.
Each year many more individuals work the corrals or ride the range and back country. Some do it for a living, while others simply enjoy the romance of riding. All desire stability and safety in a complex venue different than the event arena, but like the competition performance riders, they are proud of their equine friends as registered and foundation members of the AQHA.
In both worlds “cow horse” is the game, whether serious competitor or ranch hand or hopeless romantic.
We work within the AQHA to provide the best of the Rough Country Ranch Horse and the Competition Performance Horse. A rough country ranch horse has size and stature, is robust and has endurance, has a quiet mind and is agreeable. A performance horse is teachable and athletic, refined and attractive, capable and competitive. These are all the tenets of the HighLine mission.